Dave Glick (Page 2)

Announcing AzurePipelines.TestLogger

An Azure Pipelines logger extension for the Visual Studio Test Platform

In today's episode of "what crazy niche has Dave gotten sucked into this time?" I announce a new test logger for the Visual Studio Test Platform designed to publish your test results in real-time to Azure Pipelines. This means that you can run dotnet test from your build script on Azure Pipelines and feed your test results directly to the test summary for your build without having to rely on post-processing like the PublishTestResults Azure Pipelines task.


Code From Your Phone

How I achieved mobile development nirvana.

I've long been a fan of mobile development workflows. I've also been interested in the convergence of .NET Core on Linux and containers as a way to enable rapid, self-contained .NET development environments. It turns out that updates to mobile tools, improved container hosting, and a little elbow grease can create a very nice mobile development setup that includes the ability to easily work with GitHub and git, edit files, and run builds and unit tests all from your phone or tablet (assuming your phone or tablet is running iOS - someone else will have to figure out how to do this on Android).


Pushing Packages From Azure Pipelines To Azure Artifacts Using Cake

This is a short post about using Cake to publish packages from Azure Pipelines to Azure Artifacts that took me the better part of a day to figure out. For completness I'll walk through my entire process but if you just want to know how to do it, skip to the end.