Dave Glick (Page 4)

Blazor, Razor, WebAssembly, and Mono

How the pieces fit together.

Blazor is an exciting new web framework from the ASP.NET team that uses Razor, WebAssembly, and Mono to enable the use of .NET on the client. There’s been a lot of excitement about the possibilities this presents, but there’s also been just as much confusion about how these various parts fit together. In this post I’ll attempt to clarify things and show you exactly what each of these technologies do and how they work together to enable .NET in your browser.


2017 In Review

A look back.

2017 was an interesting year for me. Aside from what was going on in the national and world stages (which I won’t really address here, but which had a huge impact on me emotionally and personally), I also found myself with a lot of family obligations (I am now both the committee chair for my son's Cub Scout pack as well as our school's PTA treasurer). Even though my free time was at a premium, I think it was a good year for me development-wise so here’s a look back at what I accomplished.


Announcing NetlifySharp

A .NET API client for Netlify.

Netlify is an awesome static site host with tons of developer-friendly features including a comprehensive API. Today I'm announcing NetlifySharp, a new .NET API client for that API that lets you control your Netlify sites from .NET.